Use our online form to submit your details.
If you would like to get in touch with us urgently please call the agency on
0425 763 377.
Every new registrant will be interviewed and offered a listing if found to be suitable, provided there are vacancies on Ripleys' books. Please read through the information under Registration Process and choose either option 1 or 2 when completing your Talent Registration Form.
We encourage people who are reliable, professional and who can take direction well to apply. The agency helps you step into the industry with a professional edge but keeps costs for you very low so you start work straight away. Please only complete a Registration Form if you are truly interested in this work.
You can choose either Option 1 or Option 2:
Total cost: $320 (50% payable before the photoshoot).
Total cost: $600 ($160 payable before the photoshoot, balance before showreel is filmed).
Receipt for registration fees issued when full monies received.
Importance of Photographs
Multiple photographs are taken of you but we retain and use the best 4. These headshots and a full length photograph are displayed on the ripleys website and Casting Networks. The other photos will be used in individual submissions. Registration with Ripleys is for a 12 month period. Photographs must be updated every renewal of registration (every 12 months). Photographs are the most accurate way to promote talent in the film and television industry. Yearly registration renewal costs $320.
Involving a showreel on your profile page can open the door to featured visual work on Television Commercials. Background extras are booked from headshots but if casting clients are looking at confidence in front of the camera, a short reel of you is a great promotional tool. Provide as much information as you can on your profile page (photos, CV audio reel, chat to camera). This will benefit your promotion through the agency website for all levels of work, in the Film and TV industry.